Hand bell Choirs

Hand bell Director: Marion Querro

We are blessed to offer four hand bell choirs directed by Marion Querro, occasionally ringing in worship. Concerts include the annual Christmas Concert and the Spring Ring.

Cabbage Patch Ringers - elementary school age

River City Ringers - a community handbell ensemble comprised of high school and college age students and beyond. In addition to their worship and concert offerings, the Rhythmics have enjoyed extensive travels and enriching long-term supportive relationships

For current practice schedules, opportunities to learn to ring, or to join a bell choir, contact Marion Querro


History of Fall City Hand Bells~

Fundraising began in 1986 and in 1989 the first 3 octaves of bells were dedicated at the Christmas concert and rung by the Good Vibrations. The following year the Cabbage Patch Ringers were introduced---5 members strong. The Bell Hops youth bell choir emerged that year as well. Soon we had so many little ringers the Cabbage Patch Preemies were formed. These young ringers have performed all over the United States (including Hawaii, and Europe). They have the distinct honor of being the only bell choir to perform for the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland. They now perform on two 5 octave sets of bells and 5 octaves of choir chimes. They have auditioned, been selected and performed 5 times at Disneyland and once at Disney World and have twice toured Europe. They have entertained at Christmas parties for Boing, Microsoft, Valley Medical Center, many nursing homes and retirement centers. They have rung for weddings, memorial services and church services.

They have recorded 3 CD’s to help support their travels along with rummage sales, plant sales, bake sales, car washes, spaghetti dinners, and Terri Lynn nut sales to name a few. Shortly after the turn of the century the Good Vibrations became the River City Ringers and the Bell Hops became the Rhythmics.

The upcoming tour in 2023 will be to Silverwood in Idaho to ring a concert on opening weekend in early June. Two free concerts each year are performed by all three bell choirs. One at Christmas time and one in the Spring. Anyone interested in becoming a member of one of the bell choirs may contact Marion Querro.