Online Giving

Thank you for giving to Fall City United Methodist Church.


We have multiple categories in which you can donate.

  • General Fund - this is a fund that will be divided up amongst all our ministries, including paying salaries, bills, and maintaining the building.

  • Bells- this fund supports our bell-ringing ministry. Money goes directly to this group and is used to pay for scholarships for continued education, bell maintenance, music purchases, and funding trips.

  • Youth - this fund supports our children and youth ministries such as youth groups, children's activities, and Sunday school.

Along with your donation, you have the choice to pay the additional processing fee that the church would pay (3.40% + $.49) or not. We appreciate whichever choice you make, and thank you so much for supporting us as we work to make a difference in the Snoqualmie Valley, and specifically Fall City.


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